Cornbread & Beans
Food and Comedy! Listen to a brand new Podcast featuring two stand up comedians talking about podcast stuff and food. Darius Kennedy and Rio Riojas are two comics from the Midwest, Darius hails from the Windy City and Rio is out of the Mitten. And they both love to eat. Come chill out and hear as they go on trips and excursions down the foodie lane. Email us for advertisement opportunities.
Email: cornbreadandbeanspodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: CornbreadxBeans & DrDecide
Instagram: hahadariuskennedy & DrDecide
TikTok: Dook_Breeze & DrDecide
Cornbread & Beans
#53 - Back & Better than ever
Hello & Welcome! Thanks for bearing with us through that brief hiatus.
Cheers to another episode of Cornbread & Beans!
It's your favorite Food & Comedy Podcast. Come join the hosts, Darius Kennedy, a Windy City native and comedian, and Rio Riojas a comedian/actor and Michigander! Together they have created a great new and fun podcast. If you are a foodie and/or if you like comedy, well then this is just what you need to check out!
In this week's episode we tell you what has been happening. Where we have been, why the delay. Overall what happened in the little break. We make a pledge to you Entree 3000's that we will always strive to produce the best content and love you all. For real. This podcast we do for us but are so happy that you all enjoy it. Thanks for listening to our show.
So sit back, crank up the volume and enjoy another episode of Cornbread & Beans.
We are looking for businesses who would like to advertise with us! You can reach out to the podcast email for a great opportunity in marketing for great rates!
Email us: cornbreadbeanspodcast@gmail.com
Twitter: @CornbreadxBeans
Find Darius at
TikTok: Dook_Breeze
Instagram: hahadariuskennedy
Twitter: hahadariusk
Find Rio
@drdecide on all social media
#podcast #newpodcast #new #newepisode #comedy #comedian #food #foodie #comedypodcast #foodpodcast #michigan #illinois #puremichigan #chicago